SKR model space program

Expected arrival 6.25.2078

After focusing on music for the past 62 years, SKR is excited to announce their new passion of sending social media models into space. And the SKR model space program intends to do just that.

Watch us as we introduce the galaxy to our handpicked influencers. Our mission is to become Key Opinion Leaders first on Earth, then our Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, and then to create lasting impressions and slowly influencing the 2 trillion other galaxies.

SKR 模特兒太空計劃


在專注於音樂的62年後,SKR興奮地宣布他們的新愛好:將社交媒體模特兒送入太空。SKR 模特兒太空計劃正是為了實現這一目標。


SKR Multi Species Merch

Expected arrival date 10.21.2188

Just a short 110 years after our SKR influencers have meeted and greeted all other intelligent species in our galaxy, get ready for our next phase. Putting all these fabulous aliens in our multi-species SKR swag. Our skom pants are made from a combination of  60% Zorothian Weave, 30% Xylarian Silk, and 10% Q’tharian Mesh. Fitting most types of Humanoid Legs, Tentaclimbs, Plasmic Pincers, and Xylopods.

SKR 多物種商品


在我們的 SKR 網紅與銀河系內所有其他智慧物種見面和交流後短短110年,準備迎接我們的下一階段吧。將這些迷人的外星人裝扮上我們的多物種 SKR 周邊商品。我們的 Skom 褲子由60%的 Zorothian Weave、30%的 Xylarian Silk 和10%的 Q’tharian Mesh 組成。適合大多數類人型雙腿、Tentaclimbs、Plasmic Pincers 和 Xylopods。

Sith x Sweet Tooth Crossover

Expected Arrival Date 1.9.121553CE

As we all know, 1.9.121553CE is a very exciting day for our universe! It’s the day when Star Wars and Sweet Tooth becomes reality! And wouldn’t you know, SKR is here and ready for it. Don’t be caught outside without our fashionable Shadow Veil Belt, or Midnight Eclipse Multi-Utility Belt.

And for our former humans who have now become animal hybrids, check out our new Autumn line-up of GenoFur Hybrid Cardigans and Chimera Tech Sweaters!

SKR Sith和《Sweet Tooth》的跨界合作


我們都知道,1.9.121553CE對我們的宇宙來說是一個非常激動人心的日子!那是《星球大戰》和《Sweet Tooth》變成現實的一天!而你可曾想到,SKR已經準備好迎接這一天。別忘了準備我們時尚的“幽影披風腰帶”,或者“午夜日食多功能腰帶”,出門別漏了哦。
